Friday, October 19, 2012

A Thursday Weigh in, on a Friday...again!

Happy Friday! 

I am so looking forward to this weekend. I have a lovely weekend planned with my best friends to celebrate one of the ladies birthdays! It will be a weekend full of going out, sleepovers, scary movie watching, and who knows what else. One Word: Stoked!

Last week I weighed myself, but have been so ridiculously busy that I did not have time to post.

But it’s not that I was super excited to post it anyways. No movement.
And yesterday, weigh in Thursday, I forgot to weigh in. And I am taking it as a sign…I need to up the ante. I need to get my shit together. I have been working out, but then I just assume I can compensate that with more food. Umm, that is not how it works. So I will forgo the weigh in this weekend and just try really hard to rally. You’ll have to check back in next week and see if I can make some progress for week 4! I would imagine that since I wasn’t super awesome at working out or eating this week, it is either the same or up. And that’s not fun to see so instead, I will just keep on moving forward, and keep focusing on progress.  I may not make my October goal but I would love to make my Thanksgiving goal. 
  • 5 pounds by November 1st
  • 8 pounds by Thanksgiving
Tonight we have my aunts baby shower. Last night was crazy busy, but I was craving a workout…seriously, my health is more important than party favors, but I wanted to fit it all in. Insert: Operation Cram 10 pounds of shit into a 5 pound bag (I will give credit to my mom for that saying!).

I got home, late mind you, put made a point to put the workout clothes on right away. This way I had the excuse to at least do something. My grocery list was prepped, and everything I needed to accomplish was written down, so I headed off to the gym.

I grabbed a salad at can make Chipotle healthy and weight watchers friendly!  Finished my grocery shopping, prepped party items, loaded them in the car, and even though I wasn't in bed until midnight, I got everything done I wanted, and my workout definitely helped me relax!  And honestly, I am quite the night owl so that bed time was really no different then any other night...another thing I need to work on!   So here's to the next week! 

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