Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Can't wait...

So last night was a fantastic night! I can't even put in to words how wonderful it was to be surrounded by friends and family, great food, and simply put, lots of love! Chaz took numerous calls to wish him a happy birthday from family and friends who were out of state. He was happy as a clam, and that was wonderful to see! This year has held a few rough patches but things are looking up and last night helped put into perspective just what really matters!

And after all the hustle and bustle of the past few days, weeks months, I am taking night off! I am going to make dinner, and then fill my night with decorating for Halloween (something I am just excited to do!), taking a bath, reading, and heading to bed early! The end of the work day can't come soon enough! I am not going to allow myself to make last minute plans...I am going to take the night and just do what I want!

Jeepers! Who knew a night off could get you so excited! Is it 5 o'clock yet?!

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