Monday, July 6, 2009

Hello Monday!

Before I get into the wonderfulness that was this weekend, I would like to write about something that has been on my mind lately. And today is a perfect day to reflect on these feelings, since I am feeling especially nostalgic. So as I sit with a cup of coffee and Dlo's banana bread, I feel inclined to tell you all a story.

I grew up with a wonderful lady in my life, my great grandma. Many people found inspiration in her, not because she was always sweet and kind, but rather because she spoke her mind, no matter if it was positive or negative. And I didn't know her super well, because I was so young, but she made an impact on my life, especially as I got older.

G.G. Olga was a great women, and she passed away five years ago. And for many wonderful reasons, she is still very present in our lives. When something weird happens, or we see purple, or we hear trains, we always say it is great grandma. She is inspiring us, even though she is gone.

Now I know the above sounds very normal, and I am sure many people have family or friends that have affected them in a similar matter. But what I can't figure out is why I still smell her, often multiply times a month. I smell her perfume, her cooking, her house. Even today it smelt like her in the bathroom, and I can't even begin to explain that. I have no clue what is happening, but I can be anywhere and all of a sudden, sniff sniff, there she is.

But now, to my weekend!

Chaz and I decided very last minute to go to Wisconsin and visit his parents. What a great idea!

We got in Thursday night since I had Friday off. Chaz and I enjoyed a nice leisure drive and arrived in Milwaukee around 10:45pm. We talked and played catch up, and than it was off to bed.

The next morning we woke up after sleeping in and headed out to play disc golf. Both Denis and Terri play often so it is fun to go out with them and see how good they are! And of course, I won as usual! Just kidding. I have had the least amount of exposure to the game so my goal is usually to just keep up with them!

We than had some seafood for lunch, and drove around town looking at everyone getting ready for the fireworks that night. Milwaukee puts on a great firework show and everyone spends the day parked out on lawns, waiting for the event to happen! What a cool site. And they were amazing. I think they lasted around an hour. Than it was back to the house and after a light snack of cheese, crackers, and cake, it was off to bed to prepare for the next adventurous day!

Saturday started out great with a tasty breakfast of banana bread and fruit. Good fuel for our impending Segway tour. We all got dressed quickly after breakfast and headed out to the shore to embark on our Segway tour. What a great adventure. We did a tour of the shore line and it was simply amazing. those machines are a blast. And Chaz, Denis, and Terri even took in a little Segway barrel racing. It was a great time.

We followed the tour up with a bar-b-que and than off to Summer Fest. There was tons of food, vendors, and of course music. That evening we say Huey Lewis and the News! At first, I couldn't but a name to the music but as soon as he started singing, I knew the songs right away. I was an 80's baby with young parents so I was exposed to a lot of this music. It will be fun in the future to say that I saw him in person.

And than Sunday, back home, and early to bed made for an easy Monday! However, if Target had wanted to give me today off too, I wouldn't have fought it!

1 comment:

Joni Bonnell said...

Oh, Pumpkin, you're so sweet. I have a lot of GG Olga moments around here, too, especially when I turn on her old hand mixer. Her perfune wafts up from the motor and I make sure to call everyone around the beater to smell.