Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome, 2013...

Even though the hubs and I rang in the new year a bit under the weather, we had a great evening of watching tv, ordering pizza, and drinking vodka and rum (to kill the bad germs, duh!).  

Today I visited with some friends and stopped over at my parents house to visit with them and the dogs, and this evening, the hubs and I enjoyed a lovely fondue dinner with the gram. 

2012 was a great year.  There have been years in the past, where I have bid them farewell excitedly.  This year, it’s a bit different.  Sure 2012 had its downs, but it had a lot of great moments too!  I visited Alaska, ran a 10k, started a savings account and actually put money in it, worked out, went to Vegas, tried new foods, graduated with my master’s, received a promotion, and spent some great time with family and friends, my favorite being an increased amount of fun dates with the hubs.  I watched family and friends get jobs, buy houses, receive promotions, have children.  It was an exciting year and while it wasn’t perfect, I quit enjoyed it. 

I am always excited about a New Year.  Part of me has an ounce of anxiety about what the New Year could hold, but more of me finds it refreshing and new.  Not a fresh start, but a chance to refocus, reenergize, and make some goals for the upcoming year.  The last few years I have written a list of things I would like to accomplish.  Not resolutions, but rather a list.  I really enjoy making lists!  This year, I thought I would add a bit more focus to my list and try adding a quarterly check in. 

Main Goals:

·         Continue date nights with the hubs!
·         See all my immediate family members!
·         Run a race that is 10k or over.
·         Find a nice duplex and make it a home!
·         10 minutes of activity daily.
·         Make someone smile daily!
·         Write more handwritten notes and letters.
·         Organize my (and my husband’s) clutter!
·         Read and Knit more (since I am in a book club, this should be easier this year!)

JanFebMar Mini Goals!

·         Run one race (5k around Birthday!)
·         Finish a knitting Project
·         Try a new recipe
·         Take more pictures!
I think that's good enough for now.  I look forward to checking back in around March!  I already have a feeling I will be successful at a few things!

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