Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In...

Per my usual, I am posting my Wednesday Weigh in late.  I forgot to weigh in yesterday, so it is actually a Thursday Weigh in, but imma gonna call it a Wednesday Weigh in.

So I am back to posting weigh-ins.  It was nice taking a break over the holidays.  And I didn't do too fact, this would probably be my best holiday thus far for maintaining balance.  I didn't lose, but I am confident I can get down the few pounds.  That and the sister and I are hoping to motivate one another.  It would be super cool if I could lose weight maintaining my current eating patterns, but alas, that is not going to happen.

With out further ado, here is a shitty ass crappy picture of my early morning I don't give a shit weigh in!
Not where I wanted to be prior to vacation, but it could have been worse.  Not going to dwell on it.

Now I'm off to relax...I feel like crud again.  I hate being sick consecutive weeks.  Bleh!

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