Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend warning...

Weekends can be a tough time to stick to those healthy habits you've acquired throughout the week.  I tend to not have too much trouble as I sleep till noon and only have time for lunch and dinner, but I am guilty of not eating so well for those two meals, and skipping workouts.  But I have been able to adapt my thinking a bit.

Weekends are the perfect time to fit in a workout.  I find myself a bit more relaxed, more laid back, and there always seems to be at least SOME time to fit in a workout.  I have been trying to make my weekends my power days by doing a few workouts.  Today, it was a 2 mile run, and the 30 day shred. Tomorrow, I plan on shredding for two levels.  Since I have the time, I might as well.  Especially since the busy week can also lead to skipped workouts...ah the vicious cycle!

Here's to fit and healthy weekends!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In...

Per my usual, I am posting my Wednesday Weigh in late.  I forgot to weigh in yesterday, so it is actually a Thursday Weigh in, but imma gonna call it a Wednesday Weigh in.

So I am back to posting weigh-ins.  It was nice taking a break over the holidays.  And I didn't do too fact, this would probably be my best holiday thus far for maintaining balance.  I didn't lose, but I am confident I can get down the few pounds.  That and the sister and I are hoping to motivate one another.  It would be super cool if I could lose weight maintaining my current eating patterns, but alas, that is not going to happen.

With out further ado, here is a shitty ass crappy picture of my early morning I don't give a shit weigh in!
Not where I wanted to be prior to vacation, but it could have been worse.  Not going to dwell on it.

Now I'm off to relax...I feel like crud again.  I hate being sick consecutive weeks.  Bleh!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

California Pizza Kitchen Soup...

Soup for dinner, just as I said!  And it was delicious!  A vegan split pea soup, yet it tastes so rich and delicious.  A great choice on this chilly night!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Too much pizza...

Today I started a new position.  So far, I fricken love it!  I shall post more later once I pick up some more skills and understanding.

We had a lunch provided during a new employee mixer.  It was great.  I love pizza!  But then we headed to my aunts this evening to cuddle the new baby, and there again, we had pizza.  Don't get me wrong, I fricken love pizza! Breakfast, lunch and dinner pizza...all appeal to me very much!  However, tomorrow night I am headed to California Pizza Kitchen and I am going to pass on the pizza part.  I rarely ever feel this way but I have clearly had TOOOOOOOO much pizza!  Luckily, CPK has an amazing vegan split pea soup.  I will indulge in a bowl of that instead!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Runners High...

I love running.  When winter hits, and the cold encroaches on us, I tend to run less, but the urge is still deep within.  The past two years, I have run a 5k around my birthday.  This year will be no different.  And thankfully, this little run usually gets me either outside braving the cold air, or inside at a gym, running on the gerbil mill.  I prefer to switch to classes and circuit training in the winter time but there comes a time when I just need to get back to it.

As I tend to run consistently in the summer, I generally don't lose all of my stamina during the winter months.  The past few years I have started back up by hitting the pavement for as long as I can.  This helps me gauge where I am at.  I don't push it, and I certainly don't continue on if there is any pain, but I just like to push the limit a bit and see what I can do.

Today I hit the gym and ran about 1.6 miles.  I started getting a side stitch, so I decided to switch to other activities at the gym, knowing full well that this won't be my last run of the week.

Since we are heading to Hawaii in two weeks (HELL YES!!!!), it will be nice to build some stamina so I can at least do a run or two in the warm weather!

It felt good to pound that pavement.  It's nice being back!

Friday, January 11, 2013

What a week!

Wednesday morning, our family grew by one!  We welcomed my newest cousin at 11:29 am! 

So blessed!  She is such a cutie!  

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Monday!

Christmas was good to me...
I clearly need to get my drink on!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Prepping food for the freezer...

My aunt is having a baby on Wednesday so my grandma and I decided to fill her freezer with easy meals for once the little bundle is here.

While my grandma whipped up her chicken tetrazzini, I took to Pintrest to find some fun and yummy staples to add to the mix.

In the past when I have frozen dishes, I like to make sure there is some extra sauce or juice to ensure moisture.  The gram and I think alike as she added extra broth to the chicken tetrazzini.

I found this cool blog on Pintrest and decided to make her Taco Soup, which smelt awesome!

I also whipped up these enchiladas because I know first hand they rock!

I laid out the 10 taco shells and separated the filling as evenly as possible.  I also like to sauce them up a bit by adding salsa to the filling.
Then I put them in the pan, minus the sauce as the blog suggested, and sealed them up.  I like to add a layer of tin foil and then if I need to include a bag of something extra, in this case cheese, then I can pop on top.  In addition, I put the ingredients for the sauce in a separate bag so she has most of the ingredients needed to complete the simple meal.
Last I whipped up some Alfredo Lasagna.  I will for sure need to make this soon as it smelt and looked so good!  In stead of including the cheese on top, I decided to mix it in, but you could do it either way.  Nothing wrong with adding a little extra cheese on top anyways!
Here's hoping they help alleviate some post baby stress!

Friday, January 4, 2013


Ugh, I have spent the first week of 2013 sick.  First with a cold, and now with flu like symptoms.  I am ubber confused however as nothing is coming out of either end (tmi, I know, deal with it), but my stomach feels sour and sore.  Just crazy.  Here's hoping I feel better tomorrow.  The cold has subsided so as soon as I get the stomach back on track, I'll be ready to roll.

Just thought I would pop in and let you all know that A. I am sick, B. I will not be posting about healthy recipes and working out while sick (because I have not worked out!), and C. The Packers Rock, and I really hope they win tomorrow!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome, 2013...

Even though the hubs and I rang in the new year a bit under the weather, we had a great evening of watching tv, ordering pizza, and drinking vodka and rum (to kill the bad germs, duh!).  

Today I visited with some friends and stopped over at my parents house to visit with them and the dogs, and this evening, the hubs and I enjoyed a lovely fondue dinner with the gram. 

2012 was a great year.  There have been years in the past, where I have bid them farewell excitedly.  This year, it’s a bit different.  Sure 2012 had its downs, but it had a lot of great moments too!  I visited Alaska, ran a 10k, started a savings account and actually put money in it, worked out, went to Vegas, tried new foods, graduated with my master’s, received a promotion, and spent some great time with family and friends, my favorite being an increased amount of fun dates with the hubs.  I watched family and friends get jobs, buy houses, receive promotions, have children.  It was an exciting year and while it wasn’t perfect, I quit enjoyed it. 

I am always excited about a New Year.  Part of me has an ounce of anxiety about what the New Year could hold, but more of me finds it refreshing and new.  Not a fresh start, but a chance to refocus, reenergize, and make some goals for the upcoming year.  The last few years I have written a list of things I would like to accomplish.  Not resolutions, but rather a list.  I really enjoy making lists!  This year, I thought I would add a bit more focus to my list and try adding a quarterly check in. 

Main Goals:

·         Continue date nights with the hubs!
·         See all my immediate family members!
·         Run a race that is 10k or over.
·         Find a nice duplex and make it a home!
·         10 minutes of activity daily.
·         Make someone smile daily!
·         Write more handwritten notes and letters.
·         Organize my (and my husband’s) clutter!
·         Read and Knit more (since I am in a book club, this should be easier this year!)

JanFebMar Mini Goals!

·         Run one race (5k around Birthday!)
·         Finish a knitting Project
·         Try a new recipe
·         Take more pictures!
I think that's good enough for now.  I look forward to checking back in around March!  I already have a feeling I will be successful at a few things!