This weekend was nothing short of splendid!
On Friday I put in a 9+ mile run with my mom. It was ridiculously hard, and at mile 8 I wanted to keel over from lack of fuel, but I finished and it was a great accomplishment! Then my night took me out with my Auggie ladies for another great night on the town! We always have such a good time and I look forward to every weekend we hang out!
Saturday I went to the Pride Festival in Loring park to watch my friend Amy perform. I have always been accepting of anyone from the GLBT community but this weekend just cemented even further how these individuals have been deprived too much. My goal in life is to be happy and respected and I want that for all other individuals. I see no reason that we deprive these people the right to marry their partner. I don't give a shit who you are, anyone who is in a loving, committed, wonderful relationship should be allowed to bond them self to another individual. I want others to have what I have. I feel so blessed everyday for my husband. He is truly the most caring, enduring, loving man and the comfort I feel with him is amazing. We made a commitment to one another, to love, cherish, and care for one another until we part in death. That right should be given to everyone. We deny these individuals from marrying, yet we allow abusive men to take wives, manipulative women to take husbands, and older individuals to marry underage individuals. As long as a relationship is positive and loving and both individuals are respected, I don't give a crap who is marrying who...and that is where I stand.
Now stepping off my soap box, Saturday night concluded with a wonderful dinner with my husband. When we lived in our apartment, one of us would declare it a night out for dinner and take to the Internet to find an interesting place to eat. A place we have never been to. Since moving in the with the D. Lo, we really have not done this so Saturday night we decided it was time to get back into the swing of things!
We ended up at Psycho Suzi's! SO MUCH FUN! The atmosphere is that of a tropical resort! We both commented on how it felt like when we went to dinner at the Hilton Resort in Hawaii during out honeymoon. And to add to the authenticity, I was wearing a dress I bought on our honeymoon!
We ended up being there for over two hours. It was hella packed but that added to the atmosphere. the food is general American fare. Burgers and Pizza and we started with an appetizer of cheese curds and pickle roll ups! How cool! While it sounds pretty normal, the food was far from your everyday burger and apps! It was so flavorful and delicious...everything we ate was top notch!
We then ended our evening with a drive around Minneapolis, looking at the river and the beautiful condos around it. This too is a favorite past time of ours. And we are dreamers so what better way to dream then looking at ridiculously beautiful and VERY expensive river front condos! We are glutton's for punishment!
The weekend ended with my mom and I going back down to pride to see Amy, then headed to Calhoun to do a nice easy 5k. It is crazy, but the more I run, the more I look forward to a nice relaxing 5k...I never thought I would say that! I just really enjoy hitting the pavement!
Now I am off to enjoy a nice dinner of chicken drummies and pasta salad with the husband! Thanks for Laura and Dave making us chicken drummies one night for dinner, we are now obsessed and love eating them often!
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