I decided to do a little calculating on my own to ensure my points were spot on for the recipes I have been giving you! I found out that the lemon cookies I posted yesterday are actually 2P+, not 1p+…still a great value for a cookie, however, these were not my favorites! I would rather have the Banana Bread Cookies or the White Chocolate chip cookies which still came out to 2p+ when doing my own calculations! Yipee!
I played around in the kitchen tonight and made a variation of a recipe I found on http://www.danicasdaily.com. She has a Brown Sugar Banana Nut Bread but when checking the calculations, I was not coming up with the same points, so I played around and made my very own 5p+ Whole Wheat Banana Bread Muffins!
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup light butter
2 large eggs
2tsp. vanilla extract
4 mashed bananas (ripe works best!)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
Preheat oven to 350. Mix butter and sugar well, and then add whisked eggs. Add vanilla and mashed bananas. Mix the dry ingredients together and mix with wet ingredients.
Spray muffin pan with cooking spray, and divide mixture into 14 muffins. Bake for 30-35 minutes, inserting a toothpick to check if it is done! These are really thick, and moist, and hearty! The whole wheat flour makes them dense and adds a great nutty flavor!
Other than my recent obsession with baking, life has been going as usual. We are heading towards Chaz's graduation, and are in the midst of putting a closet into our basement apartment. Chaz has done a lot of mudding, sanding, painting, and carpet laying! He is quit the pro! Of course he has not worked alone, but it makes me happy to know I married a handy man!
We have two relaxing weeks ahead of us, and then we get into the busy time of spring hockey. I have volunteered seasonally for MN Hockey and their select camps and those begin in two weeks! That consists of two weeks, going morning till night, with nothing but hockey on the mind! Chaz will get to experience it this year as he is probably going to be helping out!
I also will be heading to USA Hockey Camp this June! I was just accepted to be a Team Lead for my third year and this year I will be working with the 17 and 18 year old girls! Super excited! So other than that, working out, eating, baking, and enjoying my class free weeks! Only three left before class starts up again!
correction: Muffins are 4p+ each!
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