Monday, July 25, 2011

I hate numbers....

ugh....I am crying my eye balls right out of my head at this very moment because school has started and it is hard and time consuming and a huge pain in my perfectly proportioned arse. And I am not physically crying as much as I am crying on the inside. I can honestly say that I probs hate this class the most. Generally I love school and I seek out the opportunity to learn something interesting and take it all in. But not this one...I hate it...I just want to survive it. Why do I hate it so? You might ask. Cause its statistics and I do. That's all. Anyone taken statistics? Anyone liked it? You're fricken crazy.

HOWEVER, I will not let this little biatch of a class bring me down. I am going to devote time to it each night. I am going to stay on top of it. I am going to call into the optional phone in sessions. I am going to listen, read, and hope for the next 7 weeks to move at a slightly faster pace then usual...oh f that, that means wishing away summer. Can't a girl catch a break.

Looking forward to figuring out graduation details in the near future though! I graduate in May and have the option to do either a graduation ceremony in San Antonio Texas in February or the MN in August....DUH! Texas it is! VACAY!

(It's the little things!)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

iced coffee lovin and mac computers...

SO the last two days have been nothing but Weight Watchers and nothing but love for Weight Watchers. After getting off track for like two weeks, three weeks, ok, maybe two months or so, I have just been craving to dive in head first. It's just those late night snack attacks that catch me off guard. Well, I am here to vocalize that I want nothing more then to reduce those late night snack attacks. I don't mind small late night snack attacks but the attack where I eat something sweet, then switch to salty, and then need to switch back to sweet...that craps gotta stop.

Both today and yesterday I have been so busy at work that I have come home with over half my points still in tact, yet I just get hit with the munchies. Last night I used 10 weekly points...and tonight, at 8:15, I am into my weekly points by one...and for tonight, that is all it will be. I had dinner, my light ice cream with strawberries and chocolate syrup, and now I am done! Let's hope putting it out in the open will help it come true...I mean, I am fricken full so I can't even justify a snack attack!

And i have to share with you my morning coffee wonderfulness...that is what I am naming it! I have iced coffee that I keep in the fridge. I brew a very Strong pot of coffee (for 10 cups of coffee I use 3/4 cup of grounds). I put it in the fridge for the week, then in the morning, put it in a water bottle with ice cubes, 1 tbsp. International Delight Natural Sweet Cream Coffee Creamer and 1 tbsp Chocolate syrup for an amazing 2p+ coffee! And I fill my Camelbak so it is a big, perfectly sweet cup of wonderfulness! So GOOD, and SOOOO much cheaper then a daily coffee run! Having it in a water bottle also allows me to refrigerate some for later in the afternoon!

Other then that, life right now is homework, and surviving some ridic heat here in the MN! Chaz is a proud owner of a MAC computer however so that is something to celebrate! That and we celebrate 9 years and 3 months of being together even though life is simple, it is so full of blessings!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Monday...getting on track!

Ah Monday. Like always, I wish the weekend would last longer. I wish I could have one extra day to check stuff off my wish list and of course, find more time to relax. But it’s Monday, and the week is started, so I just have to jump right in!

Today I was overly prepared for my day by packing breakfast, lunch, a snack, and making iced coffee. I really want to continue to track my food intake, something I have so been lacking on! In addition, I am gonna rock some great workouts as often as I can this week!

I have started my statistics course however and it is a bit nerve racking. I had to download some special software and I can’t even get it to work so that is a good sign right? Lol…wish me luck!

I have a week filled with friends, working out, and doing some prep work for Kristie’s wedding! Last week I got my dress and this week I am going to focus on shower invites! And tomorrow is also a fun day in the Durgin household. Chaz and I will celebrate 9 years and 3 months together! We're getting up there!

Wedding tip of the day: When registering, register for more than you would think. People want variety and the ability to pick out a special gift, and in addition, you don’t want it to be the week before and have nothing left for people to chose from. Believe me, not everyone will go the gift card route. You may end up with a homemade toaster cover (do people use those anymore!?) lol!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A much needed Sunday...

I love Sunday's. Definitely not because they are the end of the weekend and Monday is looming just around the corner, but they are truly a day to relax and slow down. Today I failed to truly relax. Well, I guess I did sleep till around noon, but it was a busy day!

Like I said, I slept till noon. Sort of. I woke up at 10, came upstairs, and decided to crawl back into D. lo's bed for an extra hour or so. I slept on and off until Chaz and I decided to head out to Buffalo. I had planned to help my parents with some chores, and in addition, I just needed some family time. We had a great, really late brunch when we arrived, then I headed to the basement to clean the insanely gross laundry room. It was quite a task and took me till dinner time but I definitely felt accomplished once it was completed.

Then we did what everyone should do on Sunday. We had a wonderful family dinner prepared by my mom. Everyone was happy and chatty and life was just good. And I love those kind of days. I NEEDED one of those days.

So now it is off to another week. I am looking forward to it. I have eaten my way through the weekend and now need to really focus on working out and eating right. Two things I love but have a hard time doing on a daily basis.

So goodnight, and here's to a great week. My healthy lunch is packed, my bag is ready to go, and I am all cleaned up after a day of hard work. Wish me luck on eating right tomorrow! On that note, I will leave you with a wonderful, filling, healthy snack! Light String cheese 1p+, 100 calorie pack almonds 3p+! Nummy!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am...

I am 25...I love running, and working out, but I have to motivate myself like crazy. I love to cook. I love to bake even more. I love being crafty but have a hard time finishing a project. In some areas of my life I am insanely organized, yet in other areas (ie. my room), I love being messy. I love watching chick flicks but secretly enjoy the occasional action film. I love kids but prefer when they are clean and if the are a baby, have a fresh diaper on. I can't wait to have kids but have no problem waiting till I feel more secure. I love massages...yet I have only had one in my life (very memorable experience!). I wish I could go shopping everyday. I never wanted to be a cat lady, but I totally am. I love sun, and heat...not insane heat, but I do enjoy a good 80-90 degree day. I eat ice cream almost every night before bed. My favorite dessert is apple pie, cold, with vanilla ice cream. I love being with my family, my in-laws, and my best friends...with these people, I feel completely comfortable. I hate when bugs are inside the house. Outside, fine. Inside, I will work my best to get you outside but if you flip a shiznit, your dead! I swear more then I should. I have started to like eating seafood more. I buy organic as much as possible. I like eating healthy, natural foods. I always have painted toes. I have a sick obsession with weddings, even if I don't know the person. I say prayers each night before bed and list off my entire family. I love grocery shopping but I really dislike putting grocery's away. I have a hard time relaxing...I always have to be doing something.

Monday, July 11, 2011

a little under the weather...

I have not been feeling to hot. In fact, I have been feeling pretty crummy. So crummy, in fact, that it is beautiful outside and I couldn't help but dress like this.

And I added these for a little extra comfort...
Yep, those are thick winter slippers.
Good thing the air is on or I imagine my outfit would have to look a bit different and I may not be as comfortable. So while I may be wheezing and hacking and creating a sculpture with all my used Kleenexes, I am at the very least comfortable.

I would imagine it has something to do with my crazy week last week, or maybe my body just thinks it's cool to freak out and get a sore throat/head cold combo in the summer time. I will never know. What I do know? It better knock it off!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Christmas in July...hell no

Tomorrow is Monday...I have no clue where the weekend went, or last week, or the first part of summer. It all just flies by and melds into one cluster of crazy business and while I am super excited and loving every moment of my crazy busy summer, I can't help but feel a little melancholy about the fact that we are quickly approaching the middle of July which somehow leads us to Halloween and pretty soon we are singing jingle bells (this could also be due to the fact that Christmas music now starts in early November).

This week alone has been so full of excitement, adventure, and nerves that I have no clue where it went! On Monday I ran a 1/2 Marathon...more on that later. And Tuesday I started a new position! I got promoted to a Sr. Plannogram Specialist...I will be working with the placement of products in the store. I am very excited for this new chapter, even though I really miss my old team and handbags! It is nice to be rewarded for hard work however and the compliments and praise I got through this whole process will keep me chugging along for quite some time.

Wednesday I also got to check another thing off of my bucket list. I saw Nicki Minaj and Britney Spears in concert! While I love them both, growing up with Britney Spears made me extra excited to see her perform. When she hopped on the crazy lady train a few years back, I wasn't sure I would ever get the chance to see her live, but alas, I did, and while she was a bit robotic and tense, she looked great and the show was entertaining! Plus I was with some amazing ladies! Then Chaz and I spent the weekend in Wisconsin with our friends Laura and Dave and we couldn't have asked for a better weekend! I came home with a summer cold but I am sure that is just my body telling me to take it slow after all the excitement. I made sure to party it up however, taking in the rope swing, a few margaritas, and a few competitive games. And nothing is better then hanging out with good friends and just enjoying life!

And yes, then there is that run...that 1/2 Marathon. While I can't say I ran an entire 1/2 Marathon, I can say I probably ran about 2/3 of it. Had I not been attacked by a strong case of nerves, and a sudden panic attack, I may have done better, but I am still so proud of accomplishing this goal. I finished, and I wasn't the last one to cross the finish line, so I am happy! And I ran it with my wonderful mother who so could have rocked the race at a much faster pace, but stayed with me so we could complete it together. I am proud of the fact that I completed it. I am proud that I ran the first 6 to 7 miles almost completely with only one bathroom stop and one water break. And I am proud that I did not have my husband or dad come pick me up at mile 7 when I just broke down from STRESS/EXCITEMENT/PRESSURE/IHAVENOCLUE!

This week thus far is looking a little more chill. My knees have been killing me since the race but I did a small run tonight and I am looking forward to some more running this week. Plus classes have started and I am taking a very scary statistics class so I am going to but some time and effort into getting that started on the right foot this week.

On a side note: Thanks to everyone for the support during my 1/2 Marathon Training...I could not have done it without you! I am pretty lucky!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

what up icy hot!

I RAN A 1/2 MARATHON!!! (ok, I probs only ran like 2/3 of it but it was a great accomplishment!)

And I am still so beat, I can't even update you on all the bed is calling my weary body to I say good night, and I promise to update soon! Me and my icy hot coated knees are hittin the sheets!