I thought it may be cool to look up some names in different cultures. There were some cool Hawaiian names. Russian names. Even the Scottish name of Adaira! Cool right. Then it had a link to Chinese names…Dinner came to mind! Lol…I crack myself up! I will keep you all informed about what Chaz and I come up with! And we will introduce her through pictures when we get her on Saturday! Fun times in the Durgin household!
I also thought I would show you all at least two plants that are making it through the winter like champs!
We bought this cute little number at Ikea...yep, Ikea! Crazy right! They have plants!
And this little guy we got from Denis and Terri when they moved to China. I feel like we have done a great job with this one!
We have also had some time to get the apartment all homey! This is my favorite picture and it is hung in the dining room!